40 years of Skolernes Motionsdag: Generations of kids celebrate the Danish School Sport Day

10/14/2022 Maria Malyshkina, ISCA

Photo: Dansk Skoleidræt / Johnny Anthon WichmannPhoto: Dansk Skoleidræt / Johnny Anthon Wichmann

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the Danish School Sport Day (or Skolernes Motionsdag), which will be celebrated all over Denmark! Events will be happening at more than 1200 schools, offering a variety of activities for the kids so they can explore new sports and forms of movement, bond with their schoolmates and find the most exciting way to #BeActive.

Since the first School Sport Day in 1982, generations of Danish kids have participated in different editions of this pulse-raising initiative, trying to find their MOVE together with their school friends and teachers. This year, the schools will get creative again – like Birkhovedskolen in Nyborg Kommune, which will host this year's opening event, where the students are set to try aerobics, yoga, Crossfit and other fun activities from the last four decades of exercise trends.

You can find more inspiration and materials here. And don’t forget to check out the warm-up dance video presented by Dansk Skoleidræt in collaboration with the European Week of Sport.

This event is part of the Danmarks Motionsuge (Denmark’s Exercise Week). With thousands of events all over the country, there is plenty to choose from and find your move! Check out the entire Denmark’s Exercise Week calendar and find an event near you here